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How To Make The High School Team -- This is the fourth segment in our multi-part series on advice to help you make the high school team. The info and advice in these articles comes from the "experts," High school coaches from all over the country.

Here are some things that I tell my young kids that attend our camps:

  1. Look the part. Pants, jersey (always tucked in), hat (always worn correctly - not backwards

  2. Wear a jersey from the team that you play on -- if possible with your name on the back

  3. Be the first to volunteer to help get equipment out or put away

  4. Be the first to hustle to each station or position

  5. Always pay attention and ask questions

  6. Respond to the coaches with respect. Use yes sir and no sir

  7. Do not respond to instruction with "I know". If you knew why didn't you do it right the first time?

  8. Do not be afraid to get dirty. Laying out for balls and sliding impresses coaches

  9. Be a great bunter -- work at it

  10. Attend any camps that the high school coach puts on

  11. Have all of your paperwork done on time: physicals, insurance forms, parental permission, etc.

  12. Be 15 minutes early to every work-out

  13. Make sure that you have good grades -- Coaches do check grades

  14. Never miss any work-outs. If an emergency comes occurs and you are unable to make a practice, make sure and call your coach ahead of time and not after the fact

  15. Take great care of your equipment. Hang your bag or put it neatly away do not leave your stuff laying around

Coach Tony Perkins
Francis Howell High School
St. Charles, Missouri
Web Site

Along with "hustle and attitude" the player should be coachable. People don't realize that anyone can be coachable, and not everyone is.

You can hustle and have a great attitude, but not really buy into what your coach is saying.

The player must trust the coach, and give maximum effort to implement what the coach is teaching.

Any player that I think is trying their hardest to do what I say has a much better chance than those who already "know how", and aren't open to my ideas.

This may seem trivial to some, but I hold it in high regard

Coach Bill Hix
Kansas High School
Kansas, Oklahoma
Web Site

Baseball Checklist - Make The Team
Make The Team - Part 1
Make The Team - Part 2
Make The Team - Part 3
Make The Team - Part 4
Make The Team - Part 5
Make The Team - Part 6

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