The High School Baseball Web has become one of the internet's most successful small, sport-specific
websites. Now in our 13th year of existence, this site has far surpassed the average lifetime
for internet sites.
The site has grown and improved over the years. Unfortunately with that growth has come an increase in
costs to provide this free information and the message board forums.
The goal when starting this site was to provide a free idea and information exchange about high school baseball.
That has been accomplished and more! Our community is used as a standard by many in the internet industry.
Our site founder, Bob Howdeshell, had this to say about the phenomenal success of the site:
I am regularly asked "how" ...
"How did you create such a popular hobby-type, one sport community?"
My answer is always ... I have no idea!
As I have said many times, WE ... all of the High School Baseball Web members ... should be proud of what our site has become.
As the new owner of the site (since June 2005), I am so thankful that when Bob was ready to "retire" as Head Cook and Bottle Washer,
he decided to turn over the site to a baseball parent. I am striving to carry on the non-commercial quality of the site that our members treasure.
But some of our members, knowing that the site takes not only time but also money to maintain, have asked how they can help with expenses.
Current web hosting costs are approximately $10,000.00 per year as of Spring 2012...our hosting bill now averages over $800 per month. Add to that the cost of necessary software programs to
create the web site, edit photos, purchase a minimal amount of advertising, and even computers themselves. You can see that this site, while still free to all members, has become quite expensive.
When Bob was at the helm he explained:
I have been scolded, chastised and even thumped on the head by some of you for not charging to use this site.
It would be easier for me to shut it down than to charge a fee for usage.
Continuing this great tradition, I do not plan ever to charge a membership fee. However, like Bob before me,
I have kids and college bills to pay, so I have updated this page so that members who wish can
make a donation toward current site expenses.
Donating members are invited to use an optional message board "avatar" that lets everyone know
you are a contributor. Of course the use of it is your choice. All donations will be kept confidential.
Optional avatar for donors � Please link to this avatar ONLY after you donate
to the High School Baseball Web.