High School Baseball Web

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If your business is baseball and one of your target client bases
is the high school player then the High School Baseball Web is
the place to maximize your product or service exposure.


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Your chance for quality internet advertising

The High School Baseball Web has become one of the internet's most successful small sports specific websites. Loyal membership and readers make advertising with us a true value.

High School Baseball Web's page views are as follows:

  • Daily - 30,000 - 125,000 (total views)
  • Monthly - 1,000,000 - 3,700,000 (total views)
  • We have had a few 6 million page view months
    With documentation to back it up!

Advertisements must be specific to our web site's theme, which is high school baseball. Baseball equipment and similar sources are welcome. Online gaming, adult content, debt consolidation, etc. will not be considered. This is a "Kids Safe" web site and advertising will be expected to reflect those standards.

These advertisements will be the first for the High School Baseball Web. For that reason we will be very selective about our advertisers. Pop-up ads, flashing banner ads and similar "annoying" types will not be considered. Ads will be full color and artwork, as provided by the advertiser. All ads will be linked to the advertiser's website or online store.

The goal is not to make money with this site but to help defray the costs and keep it free for all to use.

Several Different Types of Ad Space Will Be Available:

  • Primary Web Site Sponsor
    This firm would be our "corporate sponsor" There will only be one (1) main sponsor of this site. Ad space would be on the top of the Welcome web page of the main site ..... At the top of every message board forum ..... In a "hot topic box" of every article on the main website

  • Message Board Forum Advertiser
    These ads would be placed in the side navigation bar section of the message board forums

  • Regional/State Message Board Forum Advertiser
    We have numerous regional and state specific message boards -- this would be a great spot for the regional advertiser. These ads would be fixed in place as the lead topic of the specific regional/state message board forum

  • Event Specific Advertiser
    Perfect for those wanting to advertise a "sale event" or a showcase or tournament. This advertising would run as a scroll across the upper section of the main page (index) of the message boards

Advertising Rates

I know that internet advertising is typically sold on a cost per million page views (cpm/page views), but we do things differently around here, at the High School Baseball Web.

Our ad space is being offered at a flat rate. We accept ads for one month, a few months or a full year, your choice.

By not using the cpm/page view method you will know exactly what your advertising costs will be.

  • Corporate Sponsor
    Make me an offer -- let's talk. This could be the best advertising value your firm has ever purchased!

  • Message Board Advertisers;
    Message Board Forum Sponsors;
    Regional/State or Topic Forum Advertiser
    $25.00 to $100.00 per month

  • Event Specific Advertiser
    $25 to $50.00 per week

All advertising will be "pre-paid" (no monthly billings).
Notice: Rates are subject to change at any time.

Still Interested?

Contact the High School Baseball Web via email at hsbaseballweb@comcast.net.

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Monday 03-03-2025


Dichos y Refranes






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