Your Chance To Get It "Off Your Chest"

Recent Editorials
Do you have an issue that you feel passionate enough about to write
your thoughts down for others to read?
This will be your place and chance to do that, on the High School
Baseball Web. Of course it is preferred that the topic pertain to
baseball and preferably "high school baseball." However other subjects
may be deemed of valid interest to our websters.
How do you do it? It's very simple ... All you have to do is write
out your editorial and send it to me via email. You can either write
your editorial in the email or attach a word processing
document with your email. Pleas limit the word processing programs
to Microsoft Word or Notepad.
There is no limit to the number of words or lines -- write what
you feel. Of course editing and content review will be at the discretion
of site management. No changes to content will be made without the
writer's review and consent first.
Not all editorials will be published -- submission does not guarantee
No anonymous editorials will be published. You must include your
name, city and state -- HSBBWeb screen name too! Use the email
link below to submit your editorials
To submit an editorial
Send us an email / click on the mail box
Include The Following:
City & State
HSBBWeb Screen Name