We've added this page to allow you to provide your readers and guests a link to the High School Baseball Web.
Since the HS Baseball Web is completely free to members and visitors, we have a very small advertising budget each year.
It is currently measured in 0's of dollars! A link on your site is a great way to help us get the word
out about the site and to offer other high school baseball fans the opportunity to share in the community and
benefits of this forum.
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Microsoft Excel format
(Note: If you are asked for a password
"click" cancel and the file will load)
Text Links:
- (a href="http://hsbaseballweb.com")High School Baseball Web(/a)
- (a href="http://hsbaseballweb.com"target="new")High School Baseball Web(/a)
This will open the HSBBWeb in a new window
Note: Use the <> instead of the () when adding these text links to your site.
You can use any of these graphics, on your site to create a link to the
High School Baseball Web.