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National Letter of Intent Reminders

This information was found on the University of Maryland athletic compliance web site. It offers valuable insight into what a college coach can and cannot do (should and should not) prior to and during the National Letter of Intent signing period.

Do Don't
Include offer of financial aid for the entire year Comment prior to the signing of a prospect other than to confirm the recruitment of the prospect. (Once the Office of Athletic Compliance has a completed (signed) NLI from a prospect you are allowed to respond to questions from the media about that prospect)
Deliver the NLI by express mail, regular mail or facsimile Have contact with the media at the site of the signing or any location when a prospect accepts an offer
Unlimited contacts subsequent to the day on which a player signs a National Letter of Intent Have in-person, off campus contact with a prospect for the purpose of signing
Have unlimited telephone calls to prospect on the initial date for the signing of the NLI and during the two days following the initial signing date Hand Deliver an NLI off-campus or be present off-campus at the time a prospect signs
Have the prospect sign the NLI within 14 days of issuance, otherwise the NLI is invalid. (During the early period the NLI must be signed by the last day of the period) Have in-person, on or off campus contact during the "dead period" prior to the first day of the National Letter of Intent signing period
Submit a signed NLI to the Office of Compliance in order for the conference office to receive it within 21 days of the final signature  
Cease recruitment of any prospect who has signed with another institution  
Include the 2000 Graduation Rates Report with the NLI  

For more information about the National Letter of Intent

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