The following is the text version of the current Collegiate Commissioners
Association (CCA), National Letter of Intent. This document is specific to
NCAA member schools only. Other sanctioning bodies may have their own
Initial Enrollment in Four-Year Institution.
This NLI is applicable only
to prospective student-athletes who will be entering four-year institutions
for the first time as full-time students, except for 4-2-4 transfers who
are graduating from junior college as outlined in paragraph 8-b. With the
exception of midyear transfer students in football, no prospective student-athlete
enrolling at midyear shall sign a NLI.
Financial Aid Requirement
I must receive
in writing an award including
athletics financial aid for the entire 2002-2003 academic year from the
institution named in this document at the time of my signing. A midyear
football junior college transfer must receive athletics financial aid for
the remainder of the 2001-2002 academic year. The award letter shall list
the terms and conditions of the award, including the amount and duration
of the financial aid. If such conditions are not met, this NLI shall be
declared null and void, and the institution which submits such a letter
for signature to a prospect shall be in violation of the NLI Program and
may be subject to appropriate sanctions.
Professional Sports Contract
If I sign
a professional sports contract, I will remain bound by the provisions of this
NLI in all other sports, even if the institution named in this document is
prohibited from making athletically-related financial aid available to me in
the sport in which I signed under NCAA rules.
Provisions of Letter Satisfied.
One-year Attendance Requirement Met.
The terms of this NLI shall be satisfied if I attend the institution named
in this document for at least one academic year.
Junior College Graduation.
The terms
of this NLI shall be satisfied if I graduate from junior college after
signing NLI while in high school or during my first year of full-time
enrollment in junior college, provided it is not the year I am scheduled
to graduate from junior college.
Basic Penalty. I understand that if I do
not attend the institution named within this document for one full academic
year, and I enroll in another institution participating in the NLI program,
I may not represent the latter institution in intercollegiate athletics
competition until I have completed two full academic years of residence
at the latter institution. Further, I understand that I shall be charged
with the loss of two seasons of intercollegiate athletics competition in
all sports, except as otherwise provided in this NLI. This is in addition
to any eligibility expended at the institution at which I initially enrolled.
Early Signing Period Penalties.
prospective student-athlete who signs a NLI during the early signing period
(November 14-21, 2001) will be ineligible for practice and competition in
football for a two-year period and also shall be charged with the loss of
two seasons of competition in the sport of football.
Qualified Release Agreement.
qualified release agreement shall be provided in the event the institution
and I mutually agree to release each other from any obligations to the NLI.
I understand that if I receive this qualified release, I shall not be
eligible for competition at a second NLI institution during my first
academic year of residence there, and I shall lose one season of competition.
This Qualified Release Agreement form must be signed by me, my parent or
legal guardian, and the Director of Athletics of the institution named in
this document, and I must file a copy of the Qualified Release Agreement
with the conference which processes this NLI. (A Qualified Release Agreement
may be obtained from the institution named in this document.)
Authority to Release.
A coach is not
authorized to void, cancel or give a release to this NLI.
Extent of the Qualified Release Agreement.
The provisions of the Qualified Release Agreement shall apply to all participating
institutions and shall not be conditional or selective by institution.
Appeal Process.
I understand that the
NLI Steering Committee has been authorized to issue interpretations, settle
disputes and consider petitions for a full release from the provisions of
this NLI where there are extenuating circumstances. I further understand that
its decision may be appealed to the NLI Appeals Committee, whose decision
shall be final and binding.
Letter Becomes Null and Void.
This NLI
shall be declared null and void if any of the following occurs:
Admissions Requirement.
This NLI shall
be declared null and void, if the institution with which I signed notifies
me in writing that I have been denied admission or by the opening day of
classes, has failed to provide me with written notice of admission, provided
I have submitted a complete admission application.
It is presumed that I am eligible for admission and financial aid until
information is submitted to the contrary. Thus, it is mandatory for me,
upon request, to provide a transcript of my previous academic record and
an application for admission to the institution named in this document.
If I am eligible for admission, but the institution named in this document
defers admission to a subsequent term, this NLI shall be rendered null and
void. However, if I defer my admission, the NLI remains binding.
Eligibility Requirements.
This NLI
shall be declared null and void if, by the opening day of classes in the
fall of 2002, I have not met (a) the institution's requirements for
admissions, (b) its academic requirements for financial aid to athletes,
OR (c) the NCAA requirement for freshman financial aid (NCAA Bylaw 14.3)
or the junior college transfer rule.
If I become a nonqualifier (per NCAA Bylaw 14.3), this NLI shall be rendered
null and void.
If I am a midyear junior college football transfer signee, the NLI remains
binding for the following fall term if I was eligible for admission and
financial aid and met the junior college transfer requirements for competition
for the winter or spring term, but chose to delay my admission.
One-Year Absence.
This NLI shall
be null and void if I have not attended any institution (or attended an
institution, including a junior college, that does not participate in
the NLI Program) for at least one academic year after signing this NLI,
provided my request for athletics financial aid for a subsequent fall
term is not approved by the institution with which I signed. To receive
this waiver, I must file with the appropriate conference commissioner a
statement from the Director of Athletics at the institution named in this
document that such financial aid will not be available to me for the
requested fall term.
Service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Church Mission.
This NLI shall be null and void if I serve on active duty
with the armed forces of the United States or an official church mission
for at least eighteen (18) months.
Discontinued Sport.
This NLI shall
be null and void if my sport is discontinued by the institution named in
the document.
Recruiting Rules Violation.
If the institution (or a representative of its athletics interests)
named in this document violated NCAA or conference rules while
recruiting me, as found through the NCAA or conference enforcement
process or acknowledged by the institution, this NLI shall be declared
null and void. Such declaration shall not take place until all appeals
to the NCAA or conference for restoration of eligibility have been concluded.
Only One Valid NLI Permitted.
understand that I may sign only one valid NLI, except as listed below.
Subsequent Signing Year.
If this
NLI is rendered null and void under Item 7, I remain free to enroll in
any institution of my choice where I am admissible and shall be permitted
to sign another NLI in a subsequent signing year.
Junior College Exception.
If I
signed a NLI while in high school or during my first year of full-time
enrollment in junior college, I may sign another NLI in the signing year
in which I am scheduled to graduate from junior college. If I graduate,
the second NLI shall be binding on me; otherwise, the original NLI I
signed shall remain valid.
Recruiting Ban After Signing.
understand that all participating conferences and institutions are
obligated to respect my signing and shall cease to recruit me upon my
signing this NLI. I shall notify any recruiter who contacts me that I
have signed. Once I enroll in the institution with which I signed, the
provisions of NCAA bylaw shall govern.
Institutional Signatures Required Prior to Submission.
This NLI must be signed and dated by the Director of Athletics
or his/her authorized representative before submission to me and my parents
(or legal guardian) for our signatures. This NLI may be mailed prior to the
initial signing date. When a NLI is issued prior to the initial signing date,
the "date of issuance" shall be the initial signing date and not the date
that the NLI was signed or mailed by the institution.
Parent/Guardian Signature Required.
My parent or legal guardian is required to sign this NLI if I am less than
21 years of age at the time of my signing, regardless of my marital status.
If I do not have a living parent or a legal guardian, this NLI may be signed
by the person who is acting in the capacity of a guardian. An explanation of
the circumstances shall accompany this NLI.
Falsification of NLI.
If I falsify any
part of this NLI, or if I have knowledge that my parent or guardian falsified
any part of this NLI, I understand that I shall forfeit the first two years
of my eligibility at any NLI participating institution as out-lined in Item 4.
14-Day Signing Deadline.
If my parent or
legal guardian and I fail to sign this NLI within 14 days of issuance to me,
it will be invalid. In that event, another NLI may be issued within the appropriate
signing period. (NOTE: This does not apply to the early signing period).
Institutional Filing Deadline.
NLI must be filed with the appropriate conference by the institution named
in this document within 21 days after the date of final signature or it
will be invalid. In that event, another NLI may be issued.
No Additions or Deletions Allowed to NLI.
No additions or deletions may be made to this NLI or the Qualified Release Agreement.
Official Time for Validity.
This NLI shall
be considered to be officially signed on the final date of signature by myself
or my parent (or guardian). If no time of day is listed, then 11:59 p.m. is
Statute of Limitations.
This NLI
shall carry a four-year statute of limitations.
Nullification of Other Agreements.
My signature on this NLI nullifies any agreements, oral or otherwise,
which would release me from the conditions stated within this NLI.
If Coach Leaves.
I understand that
I have signed this NLI with the institution and not for a particular sport
or individual. For example, if the coach leaves the institution or the
sports program, I remain bound by the provisions of this NLI.
Coaching Contact Prohibited at Time of Signing.
A coach or an institutional representative may not
hand-deliver this NLI off campus or be present off campus at the time
I sign it. This NLI may be delivered by express mail, courier ser-vice,
regular mail or facsimile machine. An NLI transmitted to an institution
by facsimile machine shall be considered valid.
Reprinted From:
National Letter of Intent Web Site